
What Is The Hoffman Process®?

The Hoffman Quadrinity Process®, founded by Bob Hoffman in 1967, is a week-long residential and personal growth retreat that helps participants identify negative behaviors, moods, and ways of thinking that developed unconsciously and were conditioned in childhood.

The Process will help you become conscious of and disconnected from negative patterns of thought and behavior on emotional, intellectual, and physical levels in order to make significant positive changes in your life on a spiritual level. You will learn to remove habitual ways of thinking and behaving, align with your authentic self, and respond to situations in your life from a place of conscious choice.

We offer the Process at our beautiful retreat sites located in California, Canada & Connecticut.


Discover the life-changing results our students have experienced by taking the Hoffman Process: measurable therapeutic outcomes that have been documented by scientific studies, including reductions in anxiety and depression, and increases in overall health and well-being.

Our Highly Trained Teachers Will Work With You To

  • Explore and resolve thought and behavior patterns that impact your relationships
  • Learn how to let go of what isn’t working and move naturally into being the primary creative force in all aspects of your life
  • Uncover your most powerful, loving, creative, and compassionate self
  • Improve your connection to yourself, your family, and your larger community

Our Faculty

Hoffman Process teachers have expertise in fields including medicine, psychology, divinity studies, the arts, and the corporate world. They share a common calling to guide others through the journey of the Hoffman Process.


A Path to Personal Freedom & Love

Written by Bob Hoffman, this booklet offers substantial insight into the principles upon which The Hoffman Process is based.

The Hoffman Quadrinity™ Symbol was designed by Bob Hoffman in 1967 to represent the wholeness of Self: The circle represents the Body; the large vertical diamond in the middle represents the Spirit; the 2 smaller horizontal diamond shapes represent the Intellect and Emotions. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

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To understand your intellect, your emotional capacity, your physical self, a whole person is connected with their Spiritual Center, which they access through the work of the Process. From that place – the Spiritual Center – there’s not much room for depression.

–Lee Lipsenthal, M.D., ABHM; former president, American Board of Holistic Medicine