
Matt Brannagan

Matt Brannagan holds a B.A. in sociology from Sacramento State University, and an M.A. in transpersonal psychology from Naropa University. He is a Professional Certified Coach, and a Master Resilience Trainer for the Army.

“I love when the Process really clicks for the students, and they begin to take on the tools and practices themselves. It is great to see that what we provide really works. Students often offer such great insights. I really get to take on learning even as I am teaching.”

One of the most valuable things for Matt in his Process was the recognition of how much time and energy he was wasting being stuck in patterns.

“I was aware of them, and trying to think my way out of them, which was both frustrating and self-defeating. The Process helped me shift my approach and my point of emphasis. I feel more efficient with my energy and, as a result, more present throughout my day.”

Matt lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Nicole, and their dog, Wilver.

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Listen to Matt on The Hoffman Podcast.

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