Hosted and led by Hoffman teachers via Zoom, our live, interactive webclasses cover a wide variety of topics, including tools and practices from the Process and Hoffman Essentials. Choose a topic that interests you, and share and engage with others in real time.
COST: Hoffman webclasses are $35 USD each, or 3 for $90 USD. Two-session webclasses are $60 USD. Fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.
Live webclasses are recorded, and audio playbacks are available. After registering, instructions to join the live webclass will be emailed the day before it begins. If you register and are unable to attend the live webclass, instructions on how to access the recording will be emailed to you the following day.
To use this calendar, click on a webclass that interests you for more information. Then click the “Register” button: