The first month of the year usually brings a flurry of reflecting, as well as looking forward to making this new year better than the last one. It’s important to take a personal inventory of the year that has passed, and then move into the newness that awaits you. Take the time to note how you have grown over the past year – in any way; no matter how small or big. You may have had outward changes that are easily visible in your life, such as a move, a job change, or a new relationship. Take some time to focus on the subtle changes on the inside. By reflecting on all of the changes you have made, you are reminded that change is possible, motivated to continue on your path, and empowered to envision the future in alignment with your true spirit.
Take a Personal Inventory
In order to take a personal inventory, review all of the various aspects of your life. Look at all of your relationships – from the brief interactions you have with strangers to the quality of your long-term, close relationships. Consider the aspects of your body and physical health this past year, as well as your physical surroundings, such as your home, neighborhood and community. Be sure to review the area of finances. Consider your career, whether it is your daytime job, your job as a parent or the volunteer work you do, as well as any hobby you pursue for enjoyment and leisure. Look at the level of play and fun in your life. Your spiritual life should definitely be on the list, as well.
Thinking through every area of your life, ask yourself what aspects of your life brought you joy in the past year. List everything, from the seemingly small and insignificant items to those obvious and immediately memorable ones. You may remember the fulfillment you felt in helping a friend going through a difficult time, appreciating a sunset while on vacation, or hearing your child say “thank you.” These are the parts of our lives that work and, when visioning for the future, we will want to expand. Review your list, focusing only on the joyous aspects, and take a moment to revisit the joy that the past year has brought.
Pat Yourself on the Back
Going through every area of your life again, ask yourself what negative patterns have you been able to remove from your life. Here is where you need to pat yourself on the back for your growth. Perhaps you have resolved your anger around a difficult relationship, curbed your spending, or stopped eating an unhealthy breakfast. When we focus on our progress, we are reminded of our own personal power. We can see that we are living more in alignment with our purpose, and our future is more likely to continue on this path.
Perhaps you envisioned making more money. If the money is not manifesting, despite your best efforts, use your Hoffman tools to ask what patterns may be getting in the way of making more money. Perhaps the pattern underlying your desire for more money is a belief that making money is necessary for others to see you as valuable. If you are able to uncover that pattern, you will be able to redefine your vision from making more money to recognizing your own self-worth – something that is your birthright simply because you exist as a human being on this planet. Instead of trying to obtain money to find self-worth, recognizing your worth – just as you are – then clear away the clutter of negative beliefs that have accumulated in your life.
Looking Forward
Find a quiet moment to take a personal inventory and acknowledge what has brought you joy and the ways you have grown over the past year. Then, take the time to acknowledge, appreciate, and revisit that joy. You may be pleasantly surprised by what a difference a year can really make. No matter how small the accomplishment, remember that great change is usually made up of very small steps that accumulate over time. Consider those underlying patterns that may be blocking the progress of your vision and use your Hoffman tools to eradicate them.
If you still have the vision for your life that you wrote in the Process, pull that out and read through it. See what has come to fruition. Adjust and enhance areas that you want to realize still. Keep working on your vision – it is a live entity that you can keep expanding and creating. While in touch with your new and improved self, envision how you would like to be feeling by this time next year. Then check back with what you wrote 12 months from now and see how much of that vision has become reality.